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Need title !! Let's go down by the river

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:44 am
by godskids
Hi to all !!
I heard a song today and the title was something like "Lets go down by the river ".
There is a line that goes "so we can see the man or a man walk on water.
Any one know it or the title?
God Bless

Need title !! Let's go down by the river

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:40 pm
by msbubrry
I think this is the song you're looking for.

Let's All Go Down To The River

Verse: 1
He can raise the dead from the grave,
change the water and turn it into wine,
he can make the lame walk,
and he can make the dumb talk,
and open up the eyes of the blind.

Let's all go down to the river,
there's a man who is walking on the water,
come along with me, for I want to see,
this man walking on the water.

Verse: 2
Jesus is the man at the river,
and he's washing people's sins away,
he can save your soul if you'll give him control,
so be ready for the judgment day.