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The Old Path.. ???

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:40 pm
by tazor20
I heard a song a few years ago, it was an old song. It was talking about the old paths... its slow. If anybody knows it, I'd appreciate it! Thx!

The Old Path.. ???

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:48 pm
by songinmyheart
This is a wild guess but are you thinking of the quartet, The Old Paths? They perform a slow song, I've Missed Out. The lyrics and recording can be found here.

The Old Path.. ???

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:53 pm
by songinmyheart
Or is this it:

There's an old, old path
Where the sun shines thro'
Life's dark storm clouds
From its home of blue.

In this old, old path
Made strangely sweet
By the touch divine,
Of His blessed feet.

Find the old, old path,
'Twill be ever new,
For the Savior walks
All the way with you.

In this old, old path
Are my friends most dear,
And I walk with them,
With the angels near.

'Tis an old, old path,
Shadowed vales between,
Yet I fearless walk
With the Nazarene.