For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

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For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by Guest » Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:25 am

Does anyone know the name of this hymn or any info? Thank you!

For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by Guest » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:18 pm

"The Top of the Hill" by Johnny and Nelda Flanagan. But I can't find the lyrics.
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For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by songinmyheart » Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:53 pm

I transcribed this from the recording
on the Flanagan's website:

- I'll Prove it at the Top of the Hill -

Last Night I dreamed I saw The Savior
bent low He was baring the cross
with tears in His eyes and oh how He cried
not for mercy but for me who was lost

Each - step?- was beaten by sinners
as on He staggered, He stumbled and fell
as I stood at His side, He whispered
"I Love you and I'll prove it at the top of the hill"

He tried to rise under His burden.
The old rugged cross bowed Him down
I saw blood on His hands, It sprinkled the sand
as it ran from a thorn tangled crown.
It mingled with sweat and flowed with the teardrops.
That face to forget, I never will .
And the way He whispered to me
"I Love you and I'll prove it at the top of the hill"

Oh Jesus forgive me
so unworthy of the Love you've revealed .
For me you traded a throne in Heaven
for a cross at the top of a hill

For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:36 am

I was searching for the words when I came upon the original post. I answered with the title and said I couldn't find the lyrics... Your post was here a few hours later. Our plans are to sing this song this Sunday night. What a blessing... Thanks.

For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by Guest » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:00 pm

My Mom sang this every year at our Christian school's ACE Convention. She was 80 when she started singin it and sung every year for at least 10 years. It's a wonderful song and she did a great job with it!

For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:35 pm

In reply to the April 2014 post about your mom singing this song, our school attended that ACE Convention for many years, and hearing your mom sing this song was a real blessing year after year. She was the only person I ever heard sing it. You could tell in her voice that she truly loved Jesus, and it came through in her presentation of the song. I was actually thinking of her today and that's why I went looking for the lyrics. Thanks everyone!

Re: For Me you traded a home in Heaven for a cross at the top of the Hill

Post by srvcoldshot » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:22 pm

My dad sung this for many years at our church. I have a 40 year old cassette tape of his church songs. He's 75 now & I still miss hearing him play & sing in church services.
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